Bidenomics Crushing Black Americans

3 years ago

It’s less than a year into the Biden presidency, but so far Blacks have hardly prospered under Bidenomics. With today’s Americans for Limited Government Minute, I’m Catherine Mortensen. The August jobs report was disappointing and for no group more than Blacks. The black unemployment rate ROSE in August from eight-point-six percent to eight-point-eight percent. Under the Biden economy, Blacks have by far the highest unemployment rates of any race. However, the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that in Republican-controlled states with a higher concentration of Black Americans – unemployment was lower than in Democrat-controlled states with similar concentrations of Blacks. Alabama, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Tennessee all are among the states with lowest unemployment. But blue states – including the District of Columbia - with large Black populations have the highest unemployment rates. A huge change from the Trump Economy. After the Trump tax cuts, black incomes surged, black unemployment fell to its lowest level in 50 years, as did the black poverty rate. For more check us out at the

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