Daniel's 70th Week

3 years ago

Breakdown of the last week in Daniel's 70 weeks prophesy.
I show the difference between "Messiah the Prince" and the "prince of the people".
Messiah did not "make a (not the) covenant" of any kind, either with Israel or with any one else, at the end of, or "after" the sixty-ninth week; nor did He "break" any covenant three and a half years later. Man may "make" and "break" covenants, but Divine Covenants are never broken.
On the other hand: of "the prince that shall come" it is distinctly stated that he shall do both these very things (verses 26, 27); and, in Appendix 89 and Appendix 90 both are connected with "the time of the end".
E.W. Bullinger

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