Koinonia Hour - Jamie Walden - The Mountain of Strength is Knowing God

3 years ago

Listen on Podcast: https://anchor.fm/joanie-stahl/episodes/Koinonia-Hour---Jamie-Walden---The-Mountain-of-Strength-is-Knowing-God-e176g5c

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**Contact Jamie Walden, and also you can order his books here: https://www.

**Contact Jamie Walden, and also you can order his books here: https://www.https://www.omegadynamics.org/

There is no other way to say it, except to say it plainly. This is the end of America. Jesus spoke one day to those accusing Him saying, "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand." In another place He says, "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places."

These words could not be truer than now. We are seeing this kingdom of America rise against itself. And yes the birth pangs are here, and the Kingdom of Heaven is about to be birthed. The Lord made it clear before that "every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation." This nation is currently trending towards that end.

Today Jamie Waldon masterfully gives a strong word to the body of Christ about the sure word of God. That no matter what everything looks like or what happens, it is in knowing God that will take care of everything concerning our lives. Not any acrobats and ingrained mechanics of religious structures. Those things never make mighty men and women of faith. What is coming will demand knowing God personally by an intimate, loving faith.

He speaks about the strength and confidence in Christ, through Christ's "power of an endless life." A great testing and separating the wheat from the tares is happening. Jamie makes it clear through the word that Jesus never said it would be easy, but that He would see us through it. This is such a potent message of putting the greatest of our faith, and steadfast, devoted love in the God of our salvation.

He beautifully encourages the body of Christ to have their hearts and minds firmly made up to trust the Lord Jesus Christ completely. To truly know that it is Jesus that WILL do everything for us. That we can rest in His love in the worst of what is coming. And finally, to enter into the glory of the King of Saints, where we will sing, "Great and marvelous are they works Lord God almighty" forever and ever, "world without end."

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