Tyrant Joe on the Loose

3 years ago

Governor Governor Kristy Noem of South Dakota recently stated that she had no idea anyone alive could wreck the country as fast as Joe Biden has. Yes, Joe Biden has brought so much devastation in just under nine months. The economy is tanking with inflation surging. It's what happens when trillions are pumped into the economy by the government, and now Biden and the Dems want to pump 3.5 trillion more into economy to expand the welfare state. Is Biden just economically ignorant or does he want to destroy the economy? Yes. Now Biden wants to pump 3.5 trillion more into the economy to expand the welfare state. He and his Democrat goons want the economy to slow so they can trap more onto the welfare state so they will vote Democrat for their pittance.
And pathetically the Biden inflation has brought shortages of various goods. THIS IS THE U.S.A!!!!! There is no reason for shortages. There were massive shortages in the old Soviet Union and all other communist countries. Very little if any difference between Democrats and communists.
Economic growth has slowed and inflation has surged. A return to stagflation. Glory be. Democrats destroy, and it doesn't take long.
President Trump brought record low unemployment with his tax cuts and regulation reduction for African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, high school grads and dropouts, youth and near record low for women. Biden and the left hate that. They hate individuals thriving on their own, makes it very difficult to trap them on welfare. The left are despicable humans. It is such a unconscionable the Biden and his U.S. hating ilk are destroying all the good that President Trump brought about. So many more were employed and were experiencing the dignity of work and using one's talents. Joe and the Dems must go if out nation is to survive. Yes, the Democrats really are that bad.

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