01/09/21 - Wednesday Night Bible Study - The Seven Dispensations

3 years ago

Bible Study based on the book "The Seven Dispensations" written by John R Ecob

This booklet covers the importance of Dispensational teaching, and including the following:

The Age of Innocence – from the creation of Adam to the Fall
The Age of Conscience – From the Fall to the Flood
The Age of Human Government – From the Flood to Abram
The Age of Promise – From Abram’s departure from Haran to the Exodus
The Age of Law – From the Exodus to Pentecost
The Church Age – From Pentecost to the Rapture
–The Second Advent of Christ–
The Age of the Kingdom – Christ reigns as King of Kings from Jerusalem for 1,000 years after which the earth is renovated by fire and there is a New Heavens and New Earth for eternity

A free copy of this book as well as a wealth of other resources can be found here:

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