God is Pro-Choice John Pavlovitz - Rebuke Part 4 of 4

3 years ago

God is Pro-Choice John Pavlovitz - Rebuke Part 4 of 4

"This shouldn't even be a conversation.
The idea that America is here at this place and time in our planet's history, still debating whether or not women should have autonomy over their own bodies, shows we aren't maturing or progressing or evolving as a nation.
It also shows that millions of people of faith here are defiantly defying God's primary will.
Christians of all people, should be unequivocal in moments like these: God is pro-choice.
We know God is pro-choice because the Bible tells us so."

This is the opening to the nonsensical rant by John Pavlovitz in his article titled "God is Pro-choice". I call it nonsensical because, as you will see. Pavlovitz doesn't actually make a biblical argument for God affirming abortion; instead, John manipulates his readers through emotional pleas and arbitrariness throughout the entirety of his article titled "God is Pro-choice."

The idea that a Holy and Just God who creates everything; A god who is for life, would be pleased, with an image-bearer killing another image-bearer, could have me trailing off into a rant of my own for pages. But, I will try to keep it together, long enough to get through this rebuke.

[continue with John Pavlovitz article; "God is Pro-choice."]

"If you believe that God exists, and if you believe the Christian Scriptures to be your primary guide in understanding the character of that God—you find out pretty early on that free will is kind of a big deal."

[continue with John Pavlovitz rebuke of an article; "God is Pro-choice."]

Pavlovitz quickly makes a drive-by pass on God's character by alluding to "Free will" As a foundation of God's Holy and Just Character? I would invite people to read Psalm 119, and Exodus 20:2–17 to gain a glimpse into the character of God.
You be the judge after reading these two passages, you determine if you think Free will is foundational to God's character, so important to God that he will permit a woman to kill her child.

To the comment of "Free-will"?
Let me stop here for a second. The idea of a person's free will within Christianity has brought forth many debates. I'm not going to cover that today as, ultimately, most people who will end up reading this rebuke will have a minimal understanding of the doctrine of "free will." Instead, you need to focus on these two fundamental points; If John can't make intelligible these two points in his article, then you need to call him out.
1) Is there any verse found in Scripture that has God affirming man's "Free Will" in killing another image-bear for no reason?
2) Is there any verse found in Scripture that has Man permitted to kill a child or baby for a mere personal reason?

[continue with John Pavlovitz article; "God is Pro-choice."]
"The opening chapters of the book of Genesis describe in poetic language,"

[continue with John Pavlovitz rebuke of an article; "God is Pro-choice."]

This is another hot topic among Hebrew scholars. In contrast, some will say Genesis is written in a poetic style, while others will say Genesis is written as a historical account.
Which writing style is Genesis written? Makes no bearing on what the word of God says in regards to abortion. The simple question that needs to be asked is:
Does Genesis permit or excuse anyone in killing a child?

[continue with John Pavlovitz article; "God is Pro-choice."]

"God speaking all creation into being, fashioning out of dark and formless chaos every radiant bit of this planet and its inhabitants: all the light, shape, and color of the disparate beauty here.
Whether you're a believer or not, you likely know the Genesis story: six days of grand artistry, six days of spectacular displays of creative power, a boatload of animals, two people, a seventh day of rest in its very goodness (followed by one tree, one piece of Fruit, one serpent, and the mess that follows.)"

[continue with John Pavlovitz rebuke of an article; "God is Pro-choice."]

When John writes theatrically? It usually means he is angry or doesn't take the subject seriously. I say this not from conjecture or even from arbitrariness but based on John's past writings. In this case, it's Pavlovitz mentioning Genesis?
I've read this article many times, and I still can't believe John did it! It shocks me! It makes me want to throw up as a believer.

You might be thinking, "what did John do?" Well, I will get to that by the end of this rebuke.
But first, let me point out one main problem with John, who claims to be a Christian pastor. This central problem for John is that he rejects the creation account of Genesis.
Rejecting Genesis as a Christian is a significant problem. One that I personally think disqualifies you as even being called Christian. But that's another debate altogether. I digress. John Pavllovitz has a habit of deconstructing genesis to just man-made fabrication, a product of their own times. Not inspired, and definitely not the word of God.
So, one should be asking, "why would John bring Genesis up in an abortion conversation when John doesn't believe in the creation account, told by the early pages of genesis?"
John provides no verse or passage for his genesis comment, just a child-like summary of the creation and fall. But again, no verse that says"
"God approves Adam and Eve to kill their offspring for their own free will."
hum...Free will, Now, we're getting closer...
To read the rest of the article to this video, please go to the link below.

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