Lcol Jared Schmitz coming home to St. Charles County, Mo. Sept 8. 2021

3 years ago

This is the vid I shot with my cell phone from the exit of Highway 70 [westbound] and Truman Blvd. I got there about 1000 AM local time, and there were a few folks there. But as time went by, more & more arrived. There were WWII, Koreana, Vietnam, Cold War [me] Gulf War I, & folks from the current operations, families of service personnel, down to the little kids [infants on up]. The air was a festive one. Folks sharing food & water with each other & not a mask in sight either. Some of the kids started playing kickball.
Then came the word from a local tv station, he had arrived at the airport. Then they were finally getting underway. Then we heard it the sound of sirens & the rumble of motorcycles 1000-1500 strong. Then a hush fell over the crowds [aprox 3000 where I was standing at] then the only sounds you could hear were those of the engines of the motorcycles & the buzzing of insects. Everyone was standing in reverence & respect for this young man who ran to the sounds of gunfire and demonstrated "No man hath greater love, than he lay his life down for his brother" [or sisters in this case]
Semper Fi
And I do hope you said hello to Chesty when you reported to the Gates of Heaven for your next tour of duty

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