Being a Doer of the Word | Pastor Phillip H Jackson

3 years ago

Being a Doer of the Word | Pastor Phillip H Jackson

We have been given the God given ability to speak to the challenges of life. If we do not speak to and challenge the obstruction, the obstruction will challenge us.

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We choose life that is in the Word of God; not a natural life governed by the five physical senses.
To receive this life, we must first be redeemed from spiritual death. Then we grow spiritually by receiving the Word as food for our spirits, to strengthen our spirits above the natural senses, so that we are not ruled by the natural senses or life, to arrive at a place where we can call those things that be not as though they were. To get to this place we must progress beyond the sense realm.
We must apply ourselves to be doers of the Word. The Word must become valuable to us.

We have been given the God given ability to speak to the challenges of life. If we do not speak to and challenge the obstruction, the obstruction will challenge us.

Approaching an obstruction from the natural, going to another source for the answer other than the Word of God, weakens the believer spiritually.

The life we are to choose is a life that hears and does the Word, based upon the Word of God.
People who do not esteem the Word highly, are not developed in their spiritual life.

We have an opportunity to choose faith in the Power of God or man’s wisdom. It is easier to choose the wisdom of men, because it is governed by the sense realm. We are challenged to grow spiritually by putting our faith and trust in the Power of God. The Corinthians could not do this because they were spiritual babies.

A major thing we need to learn is the difference in the scripture between law and grace. There are scriptures that pass through all dispensations, then there are scriptures isolated to the law (Moses). An example of a scripture under the law is when someone came to Jesus and asked what they should do to be saved. Jesus instructed the person to forgive everybody so they could be forgiven. This is law, not grace.

We renew our minds (Romans 12:2) to agree with our spirits, so that our minds won’t challenge us.
When we are not doers of the Word, it puts us in a place of weakness, which is natural and carnal. Church is the place to grow up and take our rightful place.

Victorious living is being a doer of the Word. Saying daily, ‘I am a doer of the Word’, sets us to be in agreement with the Word. When challenges come, we reach to the spiritual realm, not the natural realm because we are doers of the Word.

It is dangerous to come to church because when the truth is given and one challenges it mentally, then one has a problem because it isn’t mental. Our spirits like the truth. If one has not developed their spirit, it is easier to reach for the natural than the spiritual.

We should dig into the scriptures and convince ourselves that God is right. If this does not happen, then it becomes difficult to hear things, one gets offended, and won’t let the Word be the Word.
The Holy Ghost is talking to us all the time through the gift of Holy Ghost led Pastors. When one lowers the value of this gift, to them it is a person speaking.

We take our place in Christ and hear and do the Word of God. Until we decide to receive the Word as our guideline for life and begin to do the Word, we will remain weak and defeated.
We start by repeating, ‘I am a doer of the Word and not a hearer only’.

Deuteronomy 30:19
1 Corinthians 2:14
1 Corinthians 3:1-3
Mark 11:23
Jude 20
Psalms 119:105
1 Peter 2:2
1 Corinthians 2:5
Romans 12:2
Matt 7:24-27
James 1:22
Hebrews 4:2

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