0001 Lymph Detox Massage Tr1 질 마사지 膣マッサージ

3 years ago

0001 S456 LDEM Massage Trailer 1 RB
An anti microbial detoxification massage experiment for partners.
Purposes: To study the following health benefits –
Anti Microbial effect - Anti Bacterial, Anti Fungal, Anti Viral
AI, AIR – Preventing Inflammation and Preventing/Relieving Autoimmune Diseases
Preventing Water Retention in The Body
Preventing Female Frigidity and Male Erectile Dysfunction
Skin Protecting, Skin Firming, Skin Healing, Skin Whitening
Deodorizing on Armpits, Feet and Genitalia
Stress Relieving, Relaxing, Anti Anxiety
Promoting Circulatory Function, Eliminating Bad Body Heat
Balancing Body Electromagnetic Fields, BEMF

© Copyright저작권 著作権CCLin, AromaMassageLife.com, AromaMedicineMassage.com.
판권 소유全著作権所有All Rights Reserved.
Inventor: CC Lin, Health Physicist, AMRC Aroma Medicine Research Centre
Videos are produced by Roseraie.ca, aromamassagelife.com, aromamedicinemassage.com
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MeWe RR Roseraie.CA Massage – https://mewe.com/join/roseraie
MeWe AML AromaMassageLife.com – https://mewe.com/join/aml

35m55s 0001 LDM Massage DC28
Includes질 마사지 膣マッサージ Vagina Massage

Anti Tumors Anti Cysts
Lymph Detoxification Massage
DC28 AMEM LDEM MLDrA GEMA Anterior Lateral Trunk Groins Thighs Genitalia
Chest Abdomen Digestive Organs Uterus Ovaries Labia Clitoris Groins Thighs Perineum Anus
Aroma Meditation Effleurage Massage Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage
Genital External Meditation Acupressure Manual Lymph Drainage Acupressure

Section 1 AMEM LDEM Anterior Left Abdomen Groin Thigh Vulva Perineum
G5 or P52 Rose Oil Aroma Meditation Effleurage Massage Left Thigh Groin Inguinal Nodes Genitalia
Thigh Stretching Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage Pelvis Thigh GB ST SP LV KD Channels

Section 2 Easy Lying Thigh Stretching MLDrA GEMA Anterior Left Abdomen Lower Extremity
Easy Lying Manual Lymph Drainage Acupressure Inwards Left Thigh Groin Vulva Perineum Mons pubis
Thigh Stretching Manual Lymph Drainage Acupressure Inwards Inferior Superficial Inguinal Nodes Groins
Genital External Meditation Acupressure Left Abdomen Groin Mon pubis Labia Clitoris Perineum CV KD LV SP
Inferior Superficial Inguinal Nodes Deep Inguinal Nodes Superior Superficial Inguinal Nodes Parametrial Nodes
Thigh Stretch LDrA GEM Lymph Drainage Acupressure Genital External Meditation
Left Thigh Inferior Inguinal Nodes Abdomen Parametrial Nodes Vulva Perineum Anus Ren-Mai

Section 3 G10 AIR Cream AME LNEM Abdomen Pelvis Mons pubis Groins Chest Breasts
Paracolic Nodes Prececal Nodes Retrocecal Nodes Colic Nodes Deep Inguinal Nodes Iliac Nodes

Section 4 GEMA VLDrA Groins Mons pubis Pelvis Abdomen Chest Genitalia Perineum
Genital External Meditation Acupressure Groins Mons pubis Vulva Clitoris Perineum
Transverse Longitudinal Visceral Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pelvis Abdomen Chest Dan-Tian

Section 5 DTMT VLDrEM Abdomen Digestive Organs Uterus Ovaries Cisterna Chyli
Deep Tissue Medium Tissue Visceral Lymph Drainage Energizing Massage Abdomen
Liver Stomach Pancreas Spleen Kidneys Colons Intestines Uterus Ovaries Bladder Cisterna Chyli

Section 6 Lateral Anterior MLDrA Hip Groins Abdomen Chest Breasts Mons pubis Vulva
Lateral Manual Lymph Drainage Acupressure Inwards Hip Groin Waist Mons pubis Vulva
Manual Lymph Drainage Acupressure Anterior Upwards Groins Vagina Mons pubis Abdomen Chest Breasts

Section 7 MLDrA GEMA VAMA Anterior Groins Mons pubis Genitalia Perineum Anus
Manual Lymph Drainage Acupressure Groins Mons pubis Labia Inguinal Nodes Parametrial Nodes
Genital External Meditation Acupressure Mons pubis Labia Clitoris Frenulum Vestibule Perineum Anus

Nodes for Abdomen Pelvis LNEM Lymphatic Nodes Enhancement Massage -
Iliac Nodes, Ileocolic Lymph Nodes, Paracolic Lymph Nodes, Prececal Lymph Nodes
Retrocecal Lymph Nodes, Left Colic Lymph Nodes, Inferior Mensenteric Lymph Nodes
Superior Rectal Lymph Nodes, Superficial Superior Inguinal Nodes, Cloquet’s Nodes
Superficial Inferior Inguinal Nodes, Deep Inguinal Nodes, Parametrial Nodes

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