The Ideology Behind The Dehumanization Movement

3 years ago

This episode is a short clip from the Tea With Tayler episode called ‘The Anti-Human Movement’. In this portion of the episode, I discuss on the ideology behind dehumanization, primarily focusing on the article ‘Less Than Human’: The Psychology of Cruelty that was published by NPR in March, 2011.

Full Episode: The Anti-Human Movement.

In this episode of Tea With Tayler I discuss the anti-human movement and how it is rooted in many other prominent movements today. Whether it be through the environmental movement, population control or abortion, all of these movements have an anti-human sentiment. In many instances their impact has resulted in devastating human rights violations and influenced the world wide phenomenon of eugenics and forced sterilization that played prominent role in the United States in the 20th century. Throughout this episode I will review the following reading materials and provide my opinion.

1. The Population Bomb - Paul Ehrliich, 1975
2. Less Than human. The psychology of cruelty - NPR, 2011.
3. The ‘Science’ of Eugenics: America’s Moral Detour - Marilyn M. Singleton M.D, J.D 2014
4. Eugenics in The United States - Lumen
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