Police NOT following their own Porcedures need dismissing from the GESTAPO force

3 years ago

In 2021 We are NOT BEING PROTECTED BY THIS GOVERNMENT that have contracted themselves to the USA International CROWN-Rothschild Covid19 Patent VACCINE POISONINGS FOR PROFIT PROGRAM. The govt-police are the CONTRACT TO COMPLETE THE TASKS of genocide & TRUE REPORTS & VACCINE DEATH NUMBERS & INJURIES WILL NOT BE REPORTED. This video is about a meeting held by an ANZAC group on a what was to be a QUIET MOMENT AT TAURANGA COUNCIL remembering the Dead & those Vaccine & COVID Lockdown Deaths. when an unlawful visit from Police arrogance arrests 5 people and I was the ONLY MAORI arrested under HEALTH act 1951 and locked in Police cells for a night.....WHERE IS DEMOCRACY? Where is the PROTECTION FOR THE PEOPLE under another SLAVE TRADING GOVERNMENT. 5 Days after the arrests, OUT OF CONTROL GESTAPO POLICE targeted myself while TRAVELLING along a road, and used their HEALTH act 1951 of Genocide poisonings to CONFISCATE MY CAR for impounding. LUCKY, I called for the HELP of HAPU Aotearoa Rangers and Lyndel negotiated and corrected POLICE on what they were doing was unlawful UTTERLY RACIST behaviour. This video is education also as an example of COMMON LORE that we want to fall as the CROWN-Rothschilds POLICE & Courthouses of SLAVE TRADING have exhausted themselves with their TREASURY DEBT STANDING OVER A TRILLION DOLLARS as to why they have to use a VIRUS covid19 to Depopulate a section of the Population for DEBT RECOVERY.

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