Gospel in 1 Minute

3 years ago

I found this music while rummaging for a different project months back. I really liked the tune but had no idea what I would do with it. Why not try to explain the Gospel in 60 seconds? This video "The Gospel in One Minute" is totally experimental. Please comment and let me know what you think! Matthew

P.S. Words flying by too fast? Below is the full script:

In the beginning a perfect world.
Sin through self-will;
Rebellion brings decay, disease, death.
Covenants made; covenants broken.
The shadow of law and sacrifice teach
the need for holiness and atonement.
Creation apart from its Creator self-destructs.
Prophets warn of judgment
pointing to a perfect sacrifice to end all sacrifice.
Through a future deliverer;
king of Judah; root of Jesse; son of David;
promised one; Messiah.



A child born in Bethlehem.
A cry in the desert,
"Make straight the way of the Lord!"
12 chosen
Lame walk; Sick healed; Blind see;
Dead raised; Captives freed.
Kingdom of God established.
Cornerstone rejected
New covenant
Sheep scattered
"Crucify Him!"
Love nailed to a [Roman cross]
It is finished!
Third day He rose.
Peace be with you.
Go. Baptize all nations in the name
of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
He ascended to heaven.
He sits at the Father's right hand.
Holy Spirit descends;
Fire + wind
3,000 added.
Day of the Lord judgment.
He will return to judge the living + dead.
Kingdom without end.

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