Basic Fractions - Proper, Improper, Mixed | CAVEMAN CHANG

3 years ago

Fractions are a wonderful tool when working with segments or small parts of numbers. In a fraction, there are 3 parts. The number on the top is called the numerator. The line in the middle is called the fraction bar. The number on the bottom is called the denominator. The denominator tells us for an individual unit, how many equal segments do we split it into. The numerator tells us how many of those equal segments we care about.

There are 3 types of fractions: proper, improper, and mixed.
A proper fraction is a fraction where the numerator is less than the denominator.
An improper fraction is a fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator.
A mixed fraction is a fraction where you see the whole units we work with and also the individual segments or fractions itself.

Practice Problems:
Level 1: If you take the individual unit between 0 and 1 on a number line and break it into 10 equal segments or parts, 7 of those parts represent 7/10.
Level 2: 8/7 is an improper fraction. 9/14 is a proper fraction. 7 3/4 is a mixed fraction.
Level 3: 26/5 is 5 1/5.

Custom Titles: Simple Video Making

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