gotta stay away from the results committee

3 years ago

john put me on the spot, motherfucker
john always wants me to do one more joke
my stage time pains me
seems silly to join more platforms if internet shuts down
the dream i had 7mos ago
i got a God shield, covered by protection from the Lord
buying a firearm is inviting fear and negativity (for me)
guns are for men
why do you want psychotic people to have a gun
this visual, not a happy thought
so many things that are such a huge responsibility
for all the times you see articles about gun violence
these gotta be fake news stories
way worse to be leech on society than to get gunned down in a school
actually i change my mind on that, it is a good thing
amazon. google. apple. microsoft. facebook.
when they could keep making $ off shitheads why would they stop

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