i wanna hallucinate sparkles n sequins

3 years ago

thought i was hallucinating
holy shit, sparkles from the Lord
you can be gay w/out being a sodomite
love ya adam aka mr. theron
annoying when anybody flaunts anything
no need for a lotta these people to come out
there's no more closet to come out of
bisexuality is due to boredom, confusion, or failed attempts with opposite gender
way more true to of lesbians
the origins of metoo movement
tarana burke was trying to do good things for women
what a way to thwart that whole message
mere reflection of this culture and how they switch up the language/meaning
women shouldn't be in the workplace anyway
food for thought, that'd be cool if bitch was making dinner
women need more than just the role of housewife/mother
must believe in God in order to understand role as a woman
why God women are the best women

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