Texas Talibibi (86 aka 69+17) | Habibi Power Hour

3 years ago

Siraj & Jay (the Habibi Bros.) discuss the latest news of the week, including the Texas Taliban between its new abortion and voter laws, the latest COVID document leaks, and the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

For all our content: https://linktr.ee/habibibros

The Habibi Bros. is a collective of Siraj Hashmi & Mujahed Kobbe, who host "Habibi Power Hour," an irreverent political podcast for the independent-minded where speaking truth is essentially 100% the goal.

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. Get involved in the fight against childhood cancer, sign the petition to request Congress provide more funding for childhood cancer research: https://www.change.org/p/joseph-r-biden-ending-pediatric-cancer-should-be-a-national-priority

The stories of Francesca "Beans" Kaczynski and Blake Marsh: https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/07/health/childhood-brain-cancer-wellness/index.html

The Blake Vince Payne Star Fund: https://team.curethekids.org/campaign/in-honor-of-blake-payne/c336593

Team Beans Infant Brain Tumor Fund: https://danafarber.jimmyfund.org/site/TR;jsessionid=00000000.app20005b?fr_id=1200&pg=team&team_id=9261&NONCE_TOKEN=D530F8267A0649FB11E810A1E1F02719

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