Levaire Channel Introduction | Christian Apologetics, Prophecy, Identity and Teaching

3 years ago

Hey, I'm Matthew Schoenherr and I'd like to welcome you to channel Levaire!

I'm a recovering marketing pro who has been born again into a love relationship with Jesus Christ.

On this channel, we will be unpacking Bible prophecy, sharpening our Christian apologetics, growing in our Christian identity and studying evangelical Church teaching.

We'll go deeper with the Bible. We'll wrestle with the tough Scriptures. We'll grow in knowing our Father, our King, our Spirit, ourselves and this crazy broken world we find ourselves in, but not of.

Be sure to subscribe and follow for new content and introduce yourself in the comments!

Remember: it's the TRUTH that sets you free!


[ S U B S C R I B E + 🔔 ] https://www.rumble.com/c/Levaire

WWW: https://levaire.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/levairegroup/

#christianity #levaire

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