Liveprayer TV with Bill Keller 9/8/21 "Live" 11p-Mid EDT

3 years ago

Biden Admin wants $6.4b for Afghan refugees. President Biden heckled in public. The State Dept. is hindering private companies trying to get US citizens out of Afghanistan. How much money have we given to the Taliban, and how much will we have to pay them for every person they let out of the country? Why are pro-life CEOs forced out but not pro-baby killer CEOs? Rachel Maddow rips Joe Manchin for not caving on the Senate filibuster. Ivermectin story of people filling hospitals using a horse de-wormer was a lie by media. Taliban Minister of the Interior is has a $10m bounty on his head. 4 of 5 Taliban cabinet were set free from GITMO by Obama in exchange for traitor Beau Bergdahl. NY state legal witch hunt for Trump is about stopping him from running for President in 2024. GA criminal investigation into Trump election interference may backfire since it will allow the state to be investigated for real voter fraud. Lawrence Tribe, former Harvard law professor, has legal strategy to overturn the Texas abortion law, though he was wrong on all of his strategies to take down Trump. Pray for Afghani Christians. Joe Biden’s “build back better” is for the Taliban, not the US! Obama gives the Islam the greatest gift of all! Canvass of AZ voters proves incredible amounts of election fraud during 2020 election! Mpls. Man bailed out after Floyd riot by VP Harris group charged with murder. China is going to get Bagram AF Base in Afghanistan. This and much more on tonight’s Liveprayer TV!

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