Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-8-21: Biblical Curses Upon America

3 years ago

America has entered a time of Biblical judgment. We are not Israel. The US is not a theocratic state. However, our nation was founded on Biblical principles. God in His wisdom provides patterns of blessings and judgments so that all who read and understand His Word can see the parallels from the past to the present.

Ancient Israel is an example to us of how a nation falls, and what it can expect as a consequence of turning from God. Scripture is filled with details of how Israel chose not to obey God, and in so doing, followed other lesser gods. Although the people of Israel knew better, they purposely chose the path away from Yahweh. God gave them much help to live correctly. He sent the prophets and gave them the Law, but in their sin and free will, they decided they didn’t want or need God.

The people in America are no different from those in ancient Israel. We want what we want, and we’ll get it by whatever means necessary. If that means ignoring God and His warnings of judgment, we think we can overcome through our own self-sufficiency. That philosophy didn't work out for Israel and it won’t work for us. This nation is going down. The evidence is stacking up. God has removed His hand of blessing upon us. We are barrelling headlong at 100 mph toward the oncoming Tribulation. Literally every marker is in place. All that is required is for the Lord to snatch His church from this God-forsaken planet in the pre-Tribulation Rapture, and the unbelieving world will proceed to destroy itself.

Rapture Ready

Michael Snyder

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Gary Ritter website: books & blog

Amazon Kindle Vella story
Tribulation Rising: Seal Judgments - The Coming Apocalypse

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