College Football: Awakening the American Spirit

3 years ago

Covid restrictions seemed to have crushed the spirit of humanity. Fear, frustration, depression, & isolation have taken a massive toll on the American people. Hope seemed to be waning to the point of extinction. With more lockdowns, vaccine passports, and mask mandates, the future looked bleak. But then in an instant that all changed. The American people gathered together in staggering numbers not just to watch a game, but as resounding confirmation that we will no longer be suppressed & restrained. We will no longer be bullied, shamed, or coerced into following arbitrary & Orwellian dictates of small, decrepit liars who we neither respect nor serve. From now on, we, the people, will be determining our own fates. Those who attempt to shackles we, the American people again will be met with swift & just fury. God bless.

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