Billie Beene E1-232 9621 New! Repub/Dates Jesus-B-day/ Christmas/News Flash-God

3 years ago

Billie is reporting on the following:

1. Billie is reporting that there are several 'actors' playing the parts of different public people like the Prime Minister in Japan, Angela Merkel of Germany, Justin Trudeau of Canada, Emmanuel Macron of France. She stated that she does not know which of these people are real, doubles or clones but arrest are being made at this time regardless if they are the real deal, clone, double or actor.
2. Judy Byington is reporting that the Republic Constitution has been signed. Several others are saying that copies of this new Constitution will be coming out. This new Constitution means that we will have a new Executive Branch, Judicial Branch and Legislative Branch. Most of the agencies like Education, Energy, FDA, CDC, NIH, CIA, FBI and more will go away. The power will go back to each state where it belongs. We will have intelligence but it will be handled under the military.
3. Also going out will be the United Nations, NATO, the European Union and all International organizations.
4. Mid September of 2021 there will be no pharma for the arm will be required for International flights. This means the Alliance has taken over International regulations.
5. The suitcase nukes that came from the Israeli Mossad, the shadow part of the Israeli government, have been located and defused and destroyed by the Alliance.
6. CirstenW is reporting on the public announcement about the Queen of England. It is being reported that the Queen of England was executed in 2019. This public announcement is about her being arrested and removed. This is a part of moving forward with NESARA/GESARA and the Med Beds.
7. Chief Justice Roberts was removed from his position on the Supreme Court in July 2021. CirstenW is reporting that Clarence Thomas was made the new Chief Justice of the Supreme Court on July 22, 2021.
8. At GITMO, the former Governor of New York, Hunter Biden has been arrested and he is there awaiting his tribunal.
9. On September 17, 2021 there will be a public signing of the Constitution.
10. Judy Byington is saying that there is a new alignment that will include U.S., Russia and Iran verses Israel, CCP and the U.K. With all of these changes taking place, the Balfour Declaration will become null and void.
11. Judy Byington is saying that in Afghanistan the Taliban, White Hats had to withdraw from there in order for NESARA/GESAR to go forward. No nation can be in a war situation. It was ISIS backed by the Cabal that came in to set off those bombs at the airport in Afghanistan. Then they fled to Switzerland to CERN which is one of the 34 satanic locations in the world that will be taken out by the Rods of God. Three Gorges Dam is disabled.
12. Judy Byington is saying when the public announcement of the Queen of England's arrest that this is the sign of strike time. Also, CirstenW was also making this announcement.
13. Ten Days of Darkness is going to be no cellphone, Internet, no radio or TV except for the programs put forth by the military satellites known as Project Odin. Electricity will be on.
14. Judy Byington is saying President Trump could be/would be reinstated in September because the Constitution is in place. Plans are to reinstate President Trump as President, Vice President will be JFK, Jr.. In 120 days, we will have new elections. President Trump will become like a king position of the world's banks. JFK, Jr. will become President and the new Vice President will be General Michael Flynn.
15. Witness Protection, it is understood that there are 900 people in witness protection.

Billie is reporting on much more and you do not want to miss the remainder of her report...

God, Bible, Patriot Subscribers + Jonathan Khan, Mike Penny
Judy Byington - My Fellow Americans The Storm Is Upon Us - Are You Ready To See Mass Arrests And Be Part Of History?
Judy Byington - Trump To Become King After Being Reinstaded As 19th President- Melania Queen Of Russia Descendant Of Anastacia Romanov
Gene Decode - Return to the Republic End of US INC
Mel K, Charlie & Simon on the State of Our Global Union & Declaration of the People (Video)
Gene Ho =Trumps Photographer for Mayor of #MrytleBeach SC
Chuck Missler = Cosmic Codes #4

Contact and Support:
Billie Beene
POB 476
Sweeny, TX 77480


My channels are dedicated to providing truth in news and Bible teaching and innovative writing. Thank you for your support and encouragement! May God bless you and yours!

MY NOTE: If you have any comments you want to make on any of Billie Beene's reports, please click on the video title and it will take you to the source video and you will be able to give her your feedback or, you can email Billie. Here email address is noted above or you can mail her your comments. Again, her mailing address is provided above.


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