Trials, Trauma, Truth and Triumph

3 years ago

As we face the peer pressure from the current narrative, it’s important to remember that it’s often not an easy ‘pill’ to swallow when you come face to face with new ideas and information.

As I begin to share some of the revelations God has brought me to over the past 9 months-ish, and how He brought me here, I’ll ask you to remember that we are all in this together; we learn from each other; we all have a role that impacts the lives of others; and ultimately God is good always and all ways so we look for the good and find faith in the substance of what Go and how He ultimately reveals to each of us as we diligently seek Him with our whole heart.

We triumph by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony, so we all bring great value to God’s Kingdom on earth and in the heavenlies through our thoughts, words, prayers and actions!

Together we are called to help each other find hope, peace and joy in the midst of whatever great trial we find themselves.

We are experiencing the end of an age, and the beginning of another amazing chapter in human history. Jesus was very clear that the birth of this new age would bring great sorrow and pain, like in child-birth! The travail and anguish would be intense as we’re seeing now in the collapse of almost everything we thought provided a solid foundation – every area of culture and life is being shaken – but we have depth and breadth of promise and revelation in the Word of God!

This is an amazing time to be alive!

Our lives matter! God planned that we would be here for this time! Wow!

In the midst of the trials and trauma of the world as we know it changing before our eyes there is great hope! It is so exciting – so good – yet, comes with great responsibility to help others through this ‘red sea’ moment!

Will you join me?

I’ll tell you, it will require an open mind and heart, and it ain’t easy to come face to face with reality, and know that true repentance (a change of mind and heart) comes with a travail for a greater revelation of who is God our creator and Heavenly Father, and who we are in Him, as we learned from His only begotten Son, who perfectly showed us the ‘way, the truth, and the life’ – to the great love of YWYH!

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