The Fruitfulness of Your Life Depends on the Condition of Your Soul - Pastor Phillip H Jackson

3 years ago

The Fruitfulness of Your Life Depends on the Condition of Your Soul - Pastor Phillip H Jackson

The fruitfulness of our lives does not depend on the goodness of God, but on the condition of our souls. Changing and improving the condition of our souls is our responsibility.

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Psalm 1:1-3 To be blessed is to be fully satisfied and in favor with God. The blessed life is ours when we meditate day and night on His Word.

2 Corinthians 4:4 The minds of the ungodly are blinded against spiritual truths.

Matthew 7:8 Seek, knock, and ask and you shall receive.

James 1:21 The engrafted Word of God which is rooted in our hearts saves our souls.

Philippians 2:12 We must learn to work out our salvation and live in a victorious way.

John 10:10 We are called to a life of abundance.

The fruitfulness of our lives does not depend on the goodness of God, but on the condition of our souls. Changing and improving the condition of our souls is our responsibility.

Our souls, like our spirits, are eternal and vital to our quality of life here on the earth.
Meditation is a process in which the Word of God is moved from the written or audible form into the heart. This is where it becomes real and alive to us as believers.

The purpose of the Word of God is to form beliefs and strengthen beliefs, so the more we meditate on His Word, the stronger our belief system will become.

The real you is your spirit man, the things you believe in your heart… but in order to change our lives, we have to change our minds. This is because our minds guide our natural lives, and the mind only operates in conjunction with the spirit when it has been properly renewed.

Salvation made our spirits new, but our new spirits did not change our minds. The process of renewing our minds and souls is ongoing and intentional.

God can never leave us or forsake us because He was sealed within us when we became new creatures at our redemption.

God is never going to punish us. We are the body of Christ. The price and punishment for sin were paid in full with Jesus’ sacrifice, and we have become completely righteous.

If we do not renew our minds through meditation on God’s Word, then we will have to contend with the unrenewed mind in our lives continuously, as the unrenewed mind has difficulty with spiritual truths. It will constantly push back and work against our spirits.

We should develop the confidence in the Holy Spirit to want His help in everything we do. We simply have to acknowledge Him for insight and understanding. He desires to communicate with us, and we should be doing so constantly.

We can never expect the world to line up with the Word of God because Satan is the god of this world. Redemption saves us from spiritual death, but it does not save us from the problems of the world. This is why we need the leading of the Holy Spirit for every step we take, trusting Him to guide us into truth.

We are not in charge of every thought that enters our mind, but we are responsible for the ones that stay. Any thought that we continue to meditate on will either help us or hinder us.

The Christian life is the most glorious life a human being could ever experience. Every believer is called to a life of abundance; constantly increasing, expanding, and moving forward.

Abundant life does not ‘just get by’. The Greek word ‘zoe’ defines this kind of life as ‘absolute life, the purest life, life in its very essence’ and ‘the God kind of life’.

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