Teacher Calls Out the HYPOCRISY of the School Board

3 years ago

Teachers need to understand how important they are to our children. And if you are a teacher who values their freedom and body autonomy, you need to find like-minded teachers and parents and together. We need to fight this together!!!! 💪🏼🇺🇸

Stand up for your rights and your freedoms.

There is an agenda being formed right now against the unvaccinated. Against those who want to continue living without fear, and continuing in our freedoms. they are actively working on removing all of our freedoms, and being happy about giving away all of our property for the better good and safety of mankind. This is literally a lie from Satan himself. People you need to wake up!

On the grander scheme of things, there is an even bigger agenda against the people of this world. And people are starting to wake up to what’s going on. Our government and media amongst other arms of the cabal such as Hollywood, professional sports, The Vatican, and our education system, have been used to keep us entranced. While they Tax us at every turn and charge us a fee at every turn as well.

Who is the man behind the curtain?

It’s time to start making these people uncomfortable. Calling them out at every turn. Calling them out on their hypocrisy. They cannot act like gods and make a decision about our bodies for us. That is absolutely ludicrous. They are on the wrong side of history here and the evidence is bubbling up everywhere. These people need to be held to the fire and held accountable for these draconian decisions they are making for our children, first responders, hospital workers, the airline industry, amongst many other industries now requiring the death jab. It is just unacceptable.

If you want to wear five masks and get vaccinated with five booster shots, go for it! I won’t stop you. And I don’t even care at this point. I do however care about the children. They do not have a voice in any of this. The adults need to stand up and be adults, and fight for their freedom‘s again! We have forgotten who we are. We need to take our power back from these evil principalities that have taken over our government and our world. We are not free anymore if you have not noticed.

Stand up now, or cry later when our freedoms are gone.

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