3 years ago

Last year, Joey Leave the Dogs Behind and the unlikable, unqualified unKrustable somehow managed to convince people that raising taxes was a good thing. Finally all those fat cats would pay their fAiR sHaRe.

They promised to only raise taxes on the wealthy, declaring that nobody who earns less than 400K per year would have a tax increase.

Since most Americans fall into this category, the demonization of a smaller group was praised. After all, it's their fault.

Once they fireman-carried the marionette into the office and propped him up, it was revealed that oOoOps, the 400K is for families, not individuals. Just like that, the clappening began.

What most fail to realize is that a few words make a whole lot of difference. Since they know most people won't look into it deeper or take the time to understand the depth of their actions, they can tax you in silence with most being none the wiser.

They got rid of the very orange very bad man and promised to only steal more cash from the evil rich people, but the real tax isn't so obvious. The real tax is much harder to see, but impacts people much worse than they realize.

Sloganeering and financial magic tricks keep your eyes focused on the trick and not on your wallet. Just like a magician, if they can keep your attention focused on what is unimportant they can make enough people believe that what they think they can see, is real.

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