#247: How to Fight COVID Corruption in the Courts—Reiner Fuellmich

3 years ago

German attorney Reiner Fuellmich (and a featured expert speaker at our recent Truth Over Fear summit) has fought corporate corruption for his legal career, with high-profile success against Deutsche Bank, Volkswagen, and many others. The current Covid corruption is the latest in this tradition—a difference in degree not kind.

Learn about his International Coronavirus Committee, now with attorneys in over 50 countries. If you need legal counsel, or if you’re a whistleblower who wants to talk in strict anonymity, click the links below. The whole global deception is going to be ultimately resolved in the courts.

In this Episode You Will Learn
*The brief history of the Committee and why it got launched
*Why humanity needs and deserves a new Nurnberg 2.0 international tribune to punish the criminals who perpetrated untold thousands of wrongful deaths and injuries
*Why the PCR test is utilized to produce false positivesVictory stories in the legal fight
*Why the court of public opinion is more potent that legal courts as a first step toward turning the tide against tyranny
*Fuellmich’s plans and hopes for the future

Resources Mentioned
Link to Truth Over Fear summit featuring Reiner Fuellmich, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Peter McCullough — 40 expert speakers all in one place. http://www.restoretheculture.com/

International Coronavirus Committee website (English) https://corona-ausschuss.de/en/

Video on the 1961 Milgram experiment https://www.patrickcoffin.media/milgram-explains-covid-madness/

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