Welcome to ShariaTube

3 years ago

Google/YouTube SUPPORTS "Muslim Islamic Terrorists" a.k.a. "Jihadists" which are (1) Al-Qaeda, (2) Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), (3) Boko Haram, (4) Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR), (5) ISIS (Islamic State / ISIL) and other Muslim Islamic Terrorists a.k.a. Jihadists. Google/YouTube also SUPPORTS "Sharia" (Shariah Law) which is "Islamic Law".

If you don't know what Sharia (Shariah Law) which is Islamic Law means. Well then Sharia means KILL and MURDER Non-Muslims in Jihad attacks, Rape ALL females, DESTROY the Constitution of the United States of America (U.S.A.), Wife Beating, have Sex with 9 year old prepubescent little girls a.k.a. Pedophilia, Non-Muslims MUST be Slaves to Muslims which includes making Black people into Slaves, make ALL females into female Sex Slaves, DO other Sinful, Bad and Evil works for Allah the god of Islam.

That is why Google/YouTube falsely deletes people's YouTube videos and YouTube channels from YouTube when people speaks the TRUTH about Islam and the TRUTH about Muslims on YouTube. When Google/YouTube talks about "hate speech" that is a "code name" which means that Google/YouTube SUPPORTS Muslim Islamic Terrorists a.k.a. Jihadists. The video on YouTube which talks about what I said above is here https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8406n0 so enjoy.

YouTube ~ Acts17Apologetics | Welcome to ShariaTube;

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