"You will own nothing and be happy!"

3 years ago

Sometimes people confuse economic systems with governing systems. Let me put it this way: I don't care whether the boot heel in my mouth is Communist, Fascist, Socialist or Capitalist. The robber barons and Grapes of Wrath are a good example of capitalism gone wrong. Ayn Rand made a few waves many years ago when she wrote an open letter to our president who was thinking about packing the Supreme Court. What she pointed out was that the Russian constitution was a lot like ours except for one thing. They had a corrupt judicial system. We seem to be approaching that and if these fools pack the court it's going to be a mess. In this video I discuss, The Great Reset and the World Economic Forum, Universe 25, The Georgia guide stones and the United Nations and 'Witness' by Whittaker Chambers. Links below will be in that order.

This is the world economic forum article research it on your own as well. Keep in mind that these days the difference between real news and conspiracy theory is about eight months.

Universe 25 the experiment at NIMH

This is a link to the Georgia Guide Stones. It isn't some made up thing it is real you can go read it and touch it. I suggest you do by the way. There is another link to someone explaining the the mathematical items present, but what is written on those stones is one heck of a lot more telling than the math. Seriously the other site is just absurd! Who cares?

Witness by Whittaker Chambers. It's at amazon, but I'm sure you can find it elsewhere too.

I also mentioned the Dunning Kruger effect. I've seen this many times so many. I've been guilty too. I still remember a class I was in with only one other person. I took the test after the class and got every answer correct, but I had a question for the instructor so I waited around. The other student had talked constantly and hadn't listened to anything the instructor said. He went on and on about his idiot stuperviser. Yup that's what he called him. The other guy turned in his test and the instructor sat there looking at it in stunned disbelief. "What the %^$# did you do? Copy him and do the exact opposite. Statistically this is impossible you got all of the answers wrong? If you had randomly just picked the same answer going down the page you would have gotten at least one correct answer! I have no idea how I maintained my composure.

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