Covid19 is a Diversion for something else

3 years ago

There’s no such thing as a covid-19 virus or a virus, people are being injected with poison, not eating a good diet, not exercising, not drinking clean water, this causes damage to the immune system.

The build up of bad Bacteria “mucus” causes illness, in some cases infections or phenomena, basically they are calling everything covid, when there is no such thing.

The jab contains poison, mRNA & graphene oxide, activated by EMF radioactive electromagnetic frequencies “radiation” from 5G towers & smart devices. This is what they are calling the delta variant.

Becarful around the jabbed. I wouldn’t recommend any sexual intercourse with the vaxxinated. Nanotechnology (Graphene) can be transferred via sexual liquids. Jabbed zombies are walking radioactive frequencies which will effect your natural electro magnetic frequency causing flu like symptoms loss of breath, head aches etc.

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