2021 JUL 30 Corona Committee Session 63 Dr. Bryan Ardis Remdesivir In the Eye of the CoV19 Storm

3 years ago

Absolute Must to Watch Dr Fauci, the FDA and CDC implicated in Serious actions which can only be construed Genocide and therefore Crimes Against Humanity

Corona Committee

In conversation with Dr. Bryan Ardis (CEO of ArdisLabs.com)
NUREMBERG 2.0 2021 is underway:

The Corona Committee was founded by four lawyers. He is taking evidence on the corona crisis and the measures. THIS ORGAZIATION AHS Expanded to well over 1000 Lawyers working on bring to trial the Crimes Against Humanity at the Trials to be held at Nuremberg from 2021 onwards

Learn more about the committee: https://corona-ausschuss.de

Anonymous information to the Corona Committee: https://securewhistleblower.com

Telegram Committee: https://t.me/s/Corona_Ausschuss

Telegram OVALmedia: https://t.me/s/OVALmedia

The work of the committee is only possible through your donation. https://corona-ausschuss.de/spenden/

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to issue donation receipts.
Attorney's sand account / trust account:

Attorney Dr. Reiner Füllmich
payment: "donation Corona Committee"
IBAN: DE57 1203 0000 1072 0158 50

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