Seäsonal Restaurant & Winebar : Dishing Dish | You Are What You Consume pt. 13

3 years ago

Stephen joins me to discuss one of his former workplaces. Seasonal Restaurant & Wine Bar. This was a Michelin Star restaurant in NYC offering primarily Austrian & German Cuisine. As usual Stephen has a lot to say about the food however this time he provides personal insight about how the restaurant ran & the food was made!


00:00:00 - intro
00:24:54 - valentine’s day amuse bouche
00:37:40 - cured mackerel amuse bouche
00:46:35 - the base for the "mandelsuppe": cucumber gelee, almond powder & more
00:52:34 - melone & topf: heirloom melon, quark, pumpkin seed powder & more
00:57:26 - ziegenkäsesalat: beet-juice infused goat cheese & more
01:08:06 - austern: oysters with romaine puree, coins, hearts & more
01:13:43 - makrele: smoked mackerel, pumpernickel crunch & more
01:18:53 - blumenkohl suppe: cauliflower puree, pickled beech mushrooms & more
01:29:24 - the base for steckrüben suppe

merchandise, socials, support & more :

Thank you for your time & almost any input is appreciated

#seasonal #food #foodie

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