The Weekly Energy Foresight for September 6-12, 2021

3 years ago

🔮 September 6-12, 2021

⚔ Seven Of Swords
When it rains... sometimes it rains even harder!
This week you are asked to be more diplomatic than you may feel is necessary.
There may be a situation you need to handle that you really don't want to, but stand in your power!
Be gentle, yet firm in what you perceive as the correct way of doing something.
Ask Archangel to help you by offering his majestic Royal Blue Aura to surround you in strength and protection!

💜 Mid-Week ~ 6-9
Keep Your Eyes In The Targeted Intention

🙏 End-Week ~ 9-12
God Is In Charge

🎉 Observances:
6 - Labor Day
- Rosh Hashana Eve
- National Read A Book Day
- New Moon
7 - Rosh Hashana 1/2
8 - Rosh Hashana 2/2
- National Ampersand Day
- International Literacy Day
9 - Gedaliah Fast
- National Teddy Bear Day
- Care Bears Share Your Care Day
- Emergency Services Day: UK
10 - National Swap Ideas Day
- World Suicide Prevention Day
11- 20 Year Anniversary of 9/11 World Trade Center
- 9 Year Anniversary of 9/11 Benghazi
- Patriot Day
- National Day Of Service & Remembrance
12 - National Day Of Encouragement
- National Pet Memorial Day
- National Hug Your Hound Day
- National Grandparent's Day


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