Erupting Volcano..🔥💥☄️

3 years ago

A thick, flowing substance called magma is created deep within the Earth when certain rocks slowly melt. For its lighter weight than solid rock, magma rises to form magma chambers. Some of the magma eventually makes its way to the Earth's surface through vents and fissures. Liquefied magma is referred to as lava.

A volcanic eruption can be dangerous and even lethal if it is explosive. As a result of this, a volcano's side or top can spew hot tephra clouds into the air. In their path, these fiery clouds destroy everything in their way. Like powdered snow, the ash that erupted into the sky has fallen back to Earth. Smoke can choke plants, animals and even humans when it is thick enough. Gravel flows can be created by combining hot volcanic materials and fresh water from streams, rivers, or melting snow. Near erupting volcanoes, mudflows have submerged entire communities.

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