Graphene Oxide an EMF conductor is in Vaccines & Causing EMF Detection Meters To Go Off!

3 years ago

Update: This is actually Graphene Hydroxide which is nano sized razors which if injected accidentally into a vein can quickly kill someone because it is cutting holes in peoples veins and arteries causing them to bleed to death inside their own body. Please watch... Graphene Hydroxide is a kill shot according to this German chemist who exposed this truth... later arrested and is now dead.

Massive amounts of this material is found in most the covid shots which is causing an EMF meter reader to go off... proving a persons own body becomes like an antenna to cell phone towers. Also magnets are sticking to vaccinated peoples body. This is not happening with the unvaccinated.

Another video...

HELP FOR VACCINATED AND UNVACCINATED!!!... Please forgive me... but I must vent. And I vent because I care... and because of this, everyone can get the TRUE science from real front line doctors about these bioweapons. If you have taken one round, I beg you... don't take any more. According to the 'good' smart frontline doctors the more shots you get the more your immune system will be destroyed, hijacked and totally ciput... then when a wild virus comes along your body will not recognize it and let it run amuck... why... because one's own innate immune system has been DNA changed to only pin hole specific pathogens (It is no longer broad scale detectors only pin hole... so when wild virus come in... and there are many... your a goner... because there is nothing there to fight it!).

According to their animal studies... all the animals 100% died within three years. Oh yes... animals were tested... but they told everyone no animals were tested. What a lie!

By the way everyone of these frontline doctors... are screaming from the house tops NOT TO TAKE THE VACCINES, NOT TO WEAR THE HYPOXIA CAUSING MASKS (WHICH LOWERS YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM), AND NOT TO TAKE THE TOXIC PCR TEST!!!!

The antibody antigen test IS safe... if you need proof you are ok. It's not toxic. Just a drop of blood on a thing that looks like a pregnancy test.

THERE IS HOPE!!! There is A LOT of hope through these frontline doctors. I am so glad they are there... because the Nazi doctors in the Nazi hospitals won't help you... that is why more people in the Hospitals who die from covid were previously vaccinated. Around 75%!!!

So AVOID THEM!!! So If you are sick... or just need preventative healthy protocols.. just pick up the phone and CALL REAL GOOD doctors on (or if you can't get through there... try FLCCC.n e t another AWESOME Caring Doctor place!) These 'early treatment doctors' and 'when you are sick doctors'... and are there for ALL OF US... either vaccinated OR unvaccinated.

Once on the website... scroll down to where you see these good doctors... all using telemedicine OR in person. They will send you the medicine OR you can pick it up at your local pharmacy. Soooo easy!!!!! [show less]

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