AAA: 🚨 The #Perpetrator 🚨

3 years ago

AAA: 🚨 The #Perpetrator 🚨

Another Amber Alert.

I knew it was regarding a father before I even reached for my phone to check the message.

He was hunted like an animal for 4 days.

I have some questions for the #SureteDuQuebec 👮🏻‍♂️👮🏻‍♀️👮🏻‍♂️

Who initially called the cops on the Father?

Was it the other parent?

Has he been fighting for his child in courts since the day the child was born?

Who reported that the father may be armed with a gun? 🔫

Was it the other parent? 🔫

Did he have a gun when he was apprehended?🔫

Would he have had a gun on him if the apprehension resulted in killing him? ☠️🔫

This father will never have a chance to tell his story. Many fathers are silenced.

The cops don’t need the public’s help anymore on this case. They got it from here.

🇨🇦Over 50 thousand Canadian children went missing this past year.

Where are their 🚨#AmberAlerts?

The stories they want you to know are all hand selected.

The media reports what they are told to report in order to fit their narrative and agenda.

This Fake 🦠 has been an added excuse for many vindictive parents to keep the children away from the other parent.
You will be hearing many more alerts on your phone as the weeks and months progress.

#ParentalAlienation is REAL and it’s #CRIMINAL!

#JustSayNo #Kidnapping


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