D.Buzz Features : CoinGecko Integration :

3 years ago

When you go to write a new Buzz, if you add the "$" plus a Crypto Ticker symbol, D.Buzz will automatically generate a link to the CoinGecko webpage for that cryptocurrency.

Type in : $hive
D.Buzz will make a link to: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/hive/usd#panel

This works with any Crypto that CoinGecko supports. For a full list of supported coins check out CoinGecko homepage : https://www.coingecko.com/en

Additional Points:
The link that D.Buzz generates for you, will not be counted against your 280 characters.
The ticker symbols could be written in lowercase or capital case, or a mix.
D.Buzz Features :
The D.Buzz Features Video series is focused on short videos for all the different features on D.Buzz. These videos are to be used for our community in referencing features and to address "how to" questions.

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