"Conspiracy Theory" and Serial Killer Conspiracies

3 years ago

A brief followup to my video/article on the rationality of conspiracy theories. It is a common belief among intellectuals that "conspiracy theories" are inherently irrational or so unlikely as to be essentially inherently irrational. About 5-10 percent of "serial killer" cases involve murders committed by two or more people, a conspiracy. This is a quick and partial check on the official 14.7 percent of all murders in 2019 committed by multiple offenders, a conspiracy, according to the US FBI. Official numbers, including FBI and DOJ numbers, have been found to be misleading in a number of cases -- hence independent checks are warranted.

"Conspiracy Theory" and Serial Killer Conspiracies Article: http://wordpress.jmcgowan.com/wp/article-conspiracy-theory-and-serial-killer-conspiracies/

Are Conspiracy Theories Inherently Irrational? Article: http://wordpress.jmcgowan.com/wp/article-are-conspiracy-theories-inherently-irrational/

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