Red Dead Redemption 2 but Arthur is a dumbass

3 years ago

Who am I and why am I on Rumble uploading Let's Plays of Red Dead?
My name is Marilyn and I've been trying since 2014 to make a name on YouTube. The platform is overrun with crap content and it's become impossible to make any sort of social dent without resorting to dishonest practices. Not to mention, I hate the way YouTube is run and how they prioritize sponsors, corporations, and large companies over small creators. Only profit matters to them and I no longer wish to participate in their game.
So, if you all will have me, I'm trying to see if I can find a gaming niche here on Rumble. I am not political at all, I just want to upload videos of my favorite games.
The mods I use in this Let's Play:
Basic Needs Mod:
Dog Companion:
WhyEm's Assortment:

#mods #rdr2 #reddeadonline #reddead2 #reddeadredemption2

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