Breaking News World News Situation Update Isle of Man Courts 1st September 2021 #CovidCon #IoM

3 years ago

1st September 2021

Good morning,

Welcome to one and to all.

I will now be making a prepared statement. I am Courtenay Heading standing here with clean hands in peace and honour in the name of justice.

It is 11 minutes past 11 on Wednesday 1st September 2021 and we are here outside the Isle of Man Court, Deemsters Walk, Douglas, Isle of Man, British Isles. There follows an opportunity to unlearn much you may have been told - but this may cause considerable emotional discomfort. We will cover six topics: 1. No virus, 2. No Test, 3. No Contagion, 4. Substitution deaths, 5. Abbotswood nursing home and finally, item 6. Remedy. There is always remedy: legal and lawful and financial.

1. No Virus

Above all else we have but one claim here today: there is no virus. We refer to the non existence of the over claimed SARS-CoV-2 / covid-19 virus - hard as that may be for many people to comprehend. No virus - that’s right - as to date 100 health boards / institutions across the earth plane have been unable to isolate a purified SARS-CoV-2 / covid-19 virus (refer Christine Massey). Such institutions are in 21 countries not limited to: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, England, Republic of South Africa and here on the Isle of Man. Not one health board anywhere has identified a unique covid virus - all that has been widely promoted has been a computer generated model ‘virus’, based solely on an in silica computer fraud. A model virus, that exists only on a computer, but not a real virus. No claimed virus has ever been isolated uniquely from the saliva or blood of men women nor animals. Particles claimed to be viruses are simply dirty debris from cell starvation and contamination. Viruses are the result of a natural cleanse by releasing solvents to clean a toxified body. This is a natural process, seen most often as a fever, and resulting in an outfection, coming from within. The outfection process increases due to toxic load and harmful habits and environment (refer Dr Robert O. Young). Meanwhile any claimed viruses are only ever found in combination with animal product residue due to the toxic growing process of ‘viruses’ via test tube trickery. To control for such distorted science Dr Stefan Lanka has now completed the first of his cleanliness experiments, devoid of animal particles and other toxic contaminants. Control experiments are vital to give scientific validity to any claimed results. The whole field of virology has been based on a decades long lie: that of an enormous scientific fraud - first perpetrated way back in 1954. A lie repeated often enough, without scrutiny, becomes a false ‘truth’. You may be surprised to know that your Government knows this information!

2. No Test

There is no reliable evidence based material on which to base a ‘test’ - for how can you identify something from nothing - if there is no virus. As there is no virus it follows that the tests must also be based on fraud as highlighted by Dr Andrew Kaufman. The best known ‘test’ is the often claimed “Gold Standard” PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test. In reality the claimed PCR ‘test’ is a replication tool, not a diagnostic, identification, one. PCR can diagnose nothing of use, as highlighted already and confirmed by a Portuguese Appeal Court in November 2020. The PCR so called ‘test’ relies upon the substantial amplification and multiplication of unclean material but never uses any purified isolated viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 / covid-19. The test inventor, Nobel Prize Winner Dr Kary Mullis highlighted this failure to identify either viruses or viral load many times during his life and actually stated that PCR was NOT a valid virus test shortly before passing away, as he did, in August 2019.

3. No Contagion

You cannot catch a virus. As a virus is not a living thing, has never respired, nor is capable of digestion, nor has any ability to replicate, how can it grow and infect another? The contagion myth has persisted for centuries based on the false germ theory of Louis Pasteur. It remains a theory, a fraudulent one, having used cruel animal treatments to obtain a financially rewarding false result. The grandest of all contagion myths being of course the so called ‘Spanish Flu’ pandemic of 1918/1919. In the intervening century we have avoided hard questions of just what constitutes fevers and outfections. Just after the first world war, returning troops and others were heavily jabbed, while also under nourished and as now, masked. Most importantly the rollout of radio back then was in full-blown commercial swing. The subsequent claimed pandemic ignored the hidden habits and environmental causes of electromagnetic radiation, namely radio rollout. The failure of Boston, US, experiments to prove contagion of human or animal snot soon kills the lie of contagion, if only we dare look. We are here again a century later and need to learn from the ever questioning Dr Thomas Cowan......

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