Salt of the Earth

3 years ago

Salt of the Earth

Salt of the earth, flesh of my flesh, I know of thee very well
ever since the day you were born I’ve met none nonpareil
Standing with both feet on the ground with wisdom in your soul
unconditionally without doubt, my respect for you I can extol

Looking at you I can see myself in you in so many little ways
so much reminding me of a life I led when in my younger days
We are so much alike and yet you are stronger than I use to be
admiration and respect for you keeps growing every day in me

I’m watching you bloom in many ways and encourage continually
so thankful everyday that you came in my life and enrich our family
Generations down the road shall honor your wisdom and kind grace
giving strength with whatever life brings, whatever they may face

I have learned more from knowing you, more than you can ever see
changing my life forevermore and becoming whomever I might be
So thank you from the bottom of my heart, I love you so very much
just because of who you are, my life is bettered by your kind touch

Patriotic Poet

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