Pollution of the Food Supply with Graphene Oxide. August 24, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz.

3 years ago

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Pollution of the Food Supply with Graphene Oxide. August 24, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz.

Please watch and learn and spread the word:


Check the food in your local markets and refuse to buy magnetized meats. Take the packages that are magnetic to the store management and throw it back in their faces.

This is an orchestrated act of genocide against the people of this country and the rest of the world by crazy men who have no soul and no logical faculties and no hearts, either.

We must liquidate these corporations and the directorships responsible, or vast numbers of people and animals will die.

President Trump is as complicit as Biden. They are both "Presidents" of run amok corporations and both these corporations have heartlessly preyed upon the American People -- and the rest of the world -- under color of law.

While President Trump was well-aware of the dangers of vaccination and had plenty of information about the link between autism and vaccinations and was initially willing to attack the problem (see the interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on YouTube about this topic) he reversed course and approved killing millions of Americans using experimental injections of foreign substances disguised as "vaccines".

So, each in their own way, both Trump and Biden have led to this result.

Millions of people and millions of animals are having their blood and bodies polluted with poisons that reduce their immunity to disease and result in unnatural allergies, blood coagulation issues, and organ failure.

Thanks to both Trump and Biden, this horror has been unleashed on our trusting civilian population and there is no feasible, reasonable, or sane explanation for this.

It's time to rise and shine, folks, Bring this to bear on the meat packers and truckers and grocery store chains. NOW!

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/08/pollution-of-food-supply-with-graphene.html

Download and print http://annavonreitz.com/pollutionoffood.pdf

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