Best & Taylor Intel (9/3/2021): Is COVID a Literal Demon? — A Personal Testimony — and Much More!

3 years ago

7777, Trumpets, Rapture, Jab, Lockdowns, Arrival, Delusions And The End Of The World…

So here we are folks, just 4 days away from the Feast Of Trumpets, and Israel entering her 74th birthday from 1948. Can a nation be born in ONE DAY; can a nation be born before she travails? Is it possible that Psalm 90’s 80 years for Israel marks the final seven years RIGHT NOW? Is it possible that we may see a FALSE FLAG within the false flag of the Scamdemic? The world appears to be headed into the nightmare of the New World Order and the RICH MEN of the Earth fulfilling their dreams! How long, Oh Lord, how long? Teach us the number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom. Unbelief runs rampant in the world of believers. Who knows? Satan is having a field day with humanity right now. The human race will soon be non-human, a synthetic robot, with no mind of their own, accepting whatever they are told to do by AI Central. Warnings everywhere, warnings ignored and so it goes… —Stewart Best

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