Afghanistan Refugees: How Is This Evacuation Being Handled?

3 years ago

This video deals primarily with the question of where this large group of people, tens of thousands, can be relocated, whether temporarily or permanently. The second reality is how can we vet these people before we let them in the U.S. since it is quite unlikely that most of these Afghans are the intended Allies from Afghanistan that were supposed to be brought to this country. Finally I dropped in a clip from MSM where the reporter sinks to a new low trying to discredit Steven Miller.

Video List:

Afghan refugees face uncertain future after evacuation
Afghan refugees flagged at CBP bases around the world - Report
Cotton - Biden pulling biggest 'bait and switch' move in American politics
'Nowhere to go -' Afghan refugees fleeing Taliban rule plead for help in Pakistan
Stephen Miller - Many Afghan refugees are ghosts
Stephen Miller lays out plant to resettle refugees without bringing them to US
Stephen Miller shreds Biden's 'PR play' over Afghanistan evacuation
Thousands of Afghan refugees arrive for resettlement in the United States
What you can learn about Stephen Miller from a high school video
Who should look after Afghan refugees _ Inside Story
Why Stephen Miller thinks illegal immigration is an election strategy for Democrats

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