3 years ago


It may be hard to believe, but there are human beings - if you can call them humans - that are working for the evil Globalists and are actually “fact-checking” your desperate calls for freedom and free choice.

Two recent examples of bone chilling lies and propaganda masquerading as “fact-checking” are as follows:

Vaccines HAVE NOT been made mandatory in Australia

Nuremberg Codes do not apply to Covid 19 vaccinations

Oh really? Thank you my supreme overlords of truth and freedom. Who made these insane people the supreme arbiters of our freedom and truth?

These “fact-checkers” - as well as the entirety of the corporate media - have become the Ministry of Truth (Orwell), Ministry of Propaganda (Nazis), Pravda and TASS (Soviet Union), or anyone pushing the propaganda of any past regime.

They have become the Völkischer Beobachter - the official party newspaper pushing the regime’s lies and propaganda.

I never thought that such humans could ever exist - people literally excusing terror and tyranny and “fact checking” that international human rights law does not protect your god-given freedoms, human rights, civil liberties and free choice.

These people are encouraging people to willingly get injected by dead baby fetus laced poisons that will either kill you, trans-humanise you into a new zombified being, or sterilize you.

What we are seeing is a multi-pronged attack on freedom and truth. The first attack is the Globalist lies and propaganda - passed on by puppet politicians and the corporate media. The second attack is inventing a so-called “fact checking” industry of thought police to smear and label as false anything challenging this false narrative.

The third attack is to simply censor, silence, delete and cancel your information like it never existed. The final onslaught is to arrest, “disappear” you and “suicide” you.

This is the zombie apocalypse and it’s not the Hollywood style undead creatures crawling through windows to eat your brains.

It is the loyal minions prostituting themselves to the evil Globalists and the obedient peasants blindly following the Globalist lies to their own deaths and slavery.

We are trapped in a real life Twilight Zone or Matrix - an endless nightmare within a mass Jonestown cult of brainwashed zombies.

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