Slavery 3 , Wars and Crisis

3 years ago

Slavery 3 , Wars and Crisis

Slave Masters manage their Slaves via crisis . Small crisis like Great Depression of 1929 and 2008 . Then Wars like WW2 . Bigger scale that that is Civilization Collapse like fall of the Roman Empire . Last is Big Extinction , like what happened to the “ Atlantis “ or previous civilization . This way in smaller or bigger form they speed up changes and implement programs they want to implement . In second part of video you will see some footage from the anti-vaxxer protest in Rijeka , Croatia . September 3rd 2021 , from 4 – 5 pm CET .
Thank you Bratko from Bulgaria for sponsoring this video . In this video I covered what I could not in the previous Slavery 2 , Taxes and Costs .

Link 1

Rising Prices , Product Shortages … ( Blame the Delta and non waxed Rebels – my comment )

Link 2
Zbog suše jako podbacio urod ličkog krumpira, cijene poletjele u nebo

Suša i vrućine unazadile su ovogodišnju proizvodnju za 20-30 posto pa će u tom opsegu ove sezone porasti cijena ličkoga krumpira.

Link 3

6:18 at this part talks about changing DNA
This Virus Shouldn't Exist (But it Does)

Link 4
Strange Three-fingered Alien Mummies Discovered in Peru, Nazca, Analyzed

Link 5
Slavery 1 , then and NOW

Link 6
Slavery 2 , Taxes and Costs

Link 7
Bratko from Bulgaria , thank you for sponsoring this video . If you want me to cover some topic , for low as 20 Euros donation I will do video on it . WHAT is your part , HOW is mine .
1 . Donate low as 20 Euros
2. Use Western Union app for that , link here -
3 . Send me email with your topic , and links here –

Link 8
Antivakserski prosvjed u Rijeci: ‘Ljudi nisu laboratorijski miševi da se na njima vrše eksperimenti’

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