I love the USA

3 years ago

As we get ready to celebrate Labor Day weekend, and as we approach the 20th Anniversary of September 11th, we came up with a song and video to show our love for this great country, and for the people that help us enjoy our freedoms.
We wrote this song during Desert Storm, but never put it out. With all that is going on in the world today, we could all use something that can bring us back together to stand up for the greatest country in the world, and for the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect it for us.
It is with humbling pride to all of you that make this country great, we offer "I Love The USA".
Please help us spread the word and let everyone know, that there are many of us that still believe in our great nation, as well as some that need to be reminded of what we have and how we got here. We may be on different sides of the fence, but we are all still Americans!! God Bless The USA!! It is also on Youtube here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8ZpfkG5ft0&t=1s

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