3 years ago

BRILLIANT exposé video compilation of doctors and activists presenting evidence that there has NEVER been proper isolation of the (mythical) SARS-CoV-2 virus that forms the basis for the entire tyrannical imposition of the PLANdemic upon mankind.

Basically, "they", our indoctrinators/controllers, pulled the "virus" out of their nether-regions.

I know, I know, we're beating a dead horse... And we're gonna keep beating it until enough people know that the perps can no longer move about freely operating in the daylight. TELL SOMEONE every time you have a chance! Be a little Johnny or Jennie Truther-Seed.

I try to tell someone every time I go out to shop, I told two yesterday, one stranger and a neighbor that was in the walmart. I told the guy at the door handing out masks, I took the mask, thanked him, then leaned in suddenly just barely entering his personal space (a little NLP technique), I smiled and said in a very matter-of-fact manor, "You do know there was never really a 'virus' {flashing air quotes}, right? And even if that fairy-tale was true, this mask is useless...", I could tell that he was smiling behind his "corporate policy" mask, it's in the eyes; and then he said he knows and then gave me some line about just doing his job trying to get through the day... I then pulled out my sharpie and wrote on the crisp new mask, "THERE IS NO "VIRUS", it's a scam - goto and search for 'agentofchange covid' and watch all the videos - you'll see... :)"
Then I hung it on a bottle of honey with words facing out for all to see.

Don't be scared of people. Here's a little secret, they are more scared of you, of "offending" you by saying something "politically incorrect" - they are actually worried about what YOU think about them - and who cares how they think about you even if they did (but they don't). Your Confidence in what you boldly say is a powerful pacifier of those who haven't yet learned how to think for themselves yet. And on that rare occasion that someone gets triggered about something, then quickly smile, make eye contact, put your hand up in the STOP position and say in a calm voice, "whoa whoa there, hold on, we're cool, you clearly have a good bead on what you believe and that's cool, I can respect that; I'll tell you what, I have no problem with someone believing in all that if they want to, free will and all right?" {still smiling the whole time} It was nice meeting you friend, I really hope I see you again sometime. See ya around" {walk off}

I've never really had to do that yet, but that's what I would do. Don't be scared of people. Remember, just like you and me, they just want to be liked and respected.

Tell someone the truth - I actually see it as my duty as their fellow man and brother in Yeshua. Not to mention the incredible personal growth and confidence you'll get from pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. Did I mention the endorphin rush? :) It's freaking exciting...

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