False Narratives "Asymptomatic Spread, Masks & Cause of death" - Peter McCullough

3 years ago

Dr Peter McCullough, MD, MPH on False Narratives

Snippets from the currently Live Videos happening here
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Video was snippet from Episode 3: Vaccine Pushers "Driving False Narratives"

1. Asymptomatic Spread
When someone is well, it is impossible to spread the virus.

Published Studies, one with over 10 Million Chinese showing Asymptomatic Spread simply doesn't occur.
The World Health Organization on June 25th said "Stop Asymptomatic Testing" - Stop all this testing before going on planes and athletes and testing kids every week.
What happens when we test asymptomatic people is we generate false positive test results.
Case-counts are probably inflated by about 40% just because of the asymptomatic testing.
Asymptomatic spreading doesn't happen.

Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China

2. Masks Don't Work
The virus is about 1 micron, the masks filter out about 3 microns. The virus goes in and out easy.
People wearing masks to school, running, swimming, biking is absolutely ridiculous - we should get rid of that false narrative.

3. COVID-19 is not Cause of Death in most cases
The CDC says that COVID-19 as a singular cause of death in only 10% of cases. That means that in 90% there are other contributing illnesses.
So if one is healthy & fit, that's your best immunity to COVID-19 mortality or hospitalization.

All those myths were created to make Covid-19 look more dangerous, create more fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization and death.

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