Near-Death Experience - Tricia Richie - The Purpose & Function Of Everything

3 years ago


"I was immediately taken up into a wondrous loving presence of light and sound; indescribably wondrous, indescribably loving, beautiful, serene. It was just washing through my being. It was like being a drop of sea water in the ocean. Being part of the ocean, but not being the ocean. Simultaneously, all kinds of things were happening. I had a complete Life Review of my past, present, and future. I was being flooded with this light and sound of all kinds of spiritual principals. I saw the purpose and the function of every religion on the planet. I saw the spiritual purpose and orderliness of war and peace. All of the negativity that we have, has a purpose. I knew what was true of me was true of every other individual also -- that each of us is just indispensable to The Creator. Each of us is like an atom in the body of God."


Portions of Tricia's account are included in:

500 Quotes From Heaven


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