Near-Death Experience - Arthur Yensen - I Saw Heaven & It Changed My Life

3 years ago

In August of 1932, Arthur E. Yensen, a university graduate, geologist, and staunch -materialist -turned -syndicated -cartoonist, decided to take some time off to research his weekly cartoon strip, "Adventurous Willie Wispo." Since his main character was a hobo, Yensen became a hobo for a time, blending in with the over sixteen million unemployed at that time in our nation's Great Depression. He bummed rides from Chicago through Minnesota, until a young man in a convertible coupe picked him up on the way to Winnipeg. Going too fast for the road conditions, the car hit a three-foot-high ridge of oiled gravel and flipped into a series of violent somersaults. Both men were catapulted through the cloth top before the car smashed into a ditch. The driver escaped unharmed, but Yensen was injured, losing consciousness just as two female spectators rushed to his aid. After seeing the afterlife during this near-death experience, he later learned that telling others about his NDE often brought criticism, especially from the church. But there were those who would listen and as time wore on, more and more people would ask him about it. Finally in 1955, Arthur Yensen published a report of his near-death experience after much public interest. His booklet entitled "I Saw Heaven" (now out-of-print) describes his NDE and gives answers to questions he was always asked.

To learn more about Arthur Yensen, go here:


Portions of Yensen's NDE are included in:

The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around the World

500 Quotes From Heaven


Learn about near-death experiences:

What Near-Death Experiences Teach Us

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Near-Death Experiences From Around The World

Historical & Cross-Cultural Near-Death Experiences

The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around the World

500 Quotes From Heaven

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